the anthology begins...

here is our space. here is our thoughts, in free form, flowing blissfully and boundlessly in hopes of it being collected in the stream of our consciousness of who we are and where we are to be. tell the untold stories. share the veiled but present traditions. what does it mean to be "other"? what does it mean to be Southeast Asian Americans, who had our very roots tied and bounded by the invisible streaks of a historical war, the VietNam War, striving to grow in a country, we now call our own, America?

this is our-story. this is yourstory.

tell away:

Friday, November 18, 2005

the anthology begins...

to submit your work {ie. prose, poetry, essays, photography, artwork, YOU} for publishing:

email your content to

p.s. yesh...the links get updated on a continual basis. if u got ur own site, n ur down to link up. lemme know n u'll be added.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

i'm stoked! can't wait to get this going!

1:37 AM  

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